June/July Goals 2018

June/July Goals

  • Maintain
  • Save for Dental Work
  • Schedule Appointments
  • Finish the Pantry Challenge
  • Plan/Have Octavia’s Birthday Party
  • Work on House/Continue Decluttering
  • Work on Breaking Down our Long-term Plan

We are doing a lot this summer and we hope to just maintain our current financial standing. We are not planning to pay-off the next credit card at this time. I am taking the girls on a trip and I know that it’s going to cost us a lot of money. I am really looking forward to sitting on the beach with my daughters. Our oldest, Ivy, also needs her wisdom teeth removed before they come in so we are starting to save for that. I have to make the appointment but we are thinking July or August is likely. Oral surgery is expensive even with insurance. I need to schedule her appointment and they all need to see the doctor soon. We like to do check-ups before school starts if possible.

We hope to finally finish the pantry challenge this month since we can now cook easier. Ivy and Isabella are interested in learning to cook so they will be cooking more going forward. We are planning meals around what is already in our kitchen. This is good for them because they are learning to make new foods and learning to work with what is available. During the last few months, we have used up many of the easier ingredients and we are now working on the more unusual items. I am toying with the idea of playing a game of “Chopped” with the girls to get rid of some of the odd leftover items.

My sweet baby, Octavia, is two this month. I don’t know where the time goes. We are planning her birthday for the end of the month. I think we are going to have it outside and her theme will be Bubble Guppies or Moana.

We are planning to do a little more work around the house and continue the decluttering process. We are focusing on things that we can do for free or very cheap that will improve our home. Decluttering, cleaning, organizing, and doing projects that we already have the stuff to complete is what we are focusing on.

We will continue working on breaking down our long-term plans into small achievable goals. In order to travel in two years, we need to accomplish quite a few different things. These things became our first list of goals and they include many things from paying off our debt to minimizing our possessions to teaching the little girls to swim. There are so many moving pieces in a goal this large that it requires a lot of planning to make sure that no part of it is missed. Some things are time sensitive and need to be started by a certain date. We are hoping to have a full plan that is easy to follow by the end of summer that fully encompasses all of the different parts that are needed to undertake something so massive.

We are hoping this month is much less stressful than May was. I will update you soon with our progress. Are you working on anything this month? Any summer plans you want to share? Any huge goals you need to break into smaller chunks? Please share with us in the comments.

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