Our Debt-Free Binder

Our debt binder has been instrumental in our debt payoff mission. I believe it would be helpful to anybody on this same journey.

I began with a plain 1′ binder in a color I found nice. You could make a cover for it if you desire. I preferred to leave mine plain without any label or cover. When it is sitting on the counter, nobody can tell what is in it.

The first page of our binder is our priority list. When we first set it up, we put it behind the printouts. I found that I was flipping back to look at it so often that I moved it to the front. We agreed to work on our financial goals in a certain order. We chose an order that made the most sense with our long-term goals. That is followed by a full list of all of our debts and the exact amount we owed on them when we started. We cross these off after they are paid off.

The printables I used for my credit cards, student loans, and overall debt payoff were from www.debtfreecharts.com and they are free to use. I printed out the needed charts. I filled out the charts with our numbers. I wrote what the paper was for on the top of it. I took the total amount owed on each account and divided them by the number of lines on the chart. Then I filled in the lines on the side of the chart starting with $0 at the bottom and adding the numbers going up to the current total amount of that debt at the top. I placed them in the binder in order based on our priority list.

As we pay down our debt, I use a highlighter to color in what we pay off. I really enjoy filling them in. This has also been helpful with our kids. They understand what we are trying to do when they can see it. It has become a celebration every time we get to color in a line.

After all of our printables are the monthly check-ins. On the first of each month, I write out a list of all our current debts and our total. I love to compare the original with the new ones. This has become a part of my monthly budget schedule that I look forward to. I used to hate budgeting and dealing with money because there never seemed to be enough of it. After almost a year, I’m proud to say that budgeting and paying our bills is easy now. If you are at the beginning of your debt-free journey, it does get better. There will come a day that you can do your monthly budget in minutes without any trouble.

This debt binder was extremely helpful. I hope it helps you on your path to becoming debt-free. Don’t underestimate the power of coloring in the lines. If/When you have a setback, you can flip back through to see how far you have come. That mind shift is life changing.

10 thoughts on “Our Debt-Free Binder

  1. What a great idea! I didn’t have a binder for it but I worked hard to pay off my debt by the time I was 30. It took a lot of discipline to pay one off and then use that money to help pay the next off but it went fast after one card/student loan was paid off!

    1. It really gains momentum as we pay things off. I’m shocked at how big that snowball gets! Congrats on your payoff!

  2. That’s a great idea! It would definitely help me to see it all written down rather than just having it in my head. I only have my student load to pay off at the moment but even for my bills I have to pay I love to have it all written down in a notebook so I know what’s going where! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Chloe xx

    1. I made out the coloring sheets for each of my student loans. They are all under one umbrella but it helps me to think of paying them off one by one. Also, some of them have higher interest rates than others even though they are grouped together. Once I found out I could pay off the individual loans, I decided to pay off the ones with higher interest rates first. Glad you enjoyed it!

  3. This was such a great post! I have definitely been avoiding the bills file (out of sight out of mind kind of thing), but I know it is so much better to proactively face and deal with them! Love the highlighter idea! I am a visual person and I can’t wait to start filling in my debt successes!

    1. Thanks! It’s so easy to avoid them if you are not looking at them. I can honestly say, life is so much easier and less stressful now than it was just a year ago. Good luck on your path and if you ever have any questions, feel free to email us.

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