Eraser Maker Review

Eraser Maker Review

This “Eraser Maker” is available at Five Below. We weren’t sure what to think of this item at first. It looks very neat but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be as cool as it looks at first glance. Sadly, I was right. Isabella (8) was really excited to try it out. She had a completely unrealistic idea of what she was going to be doing.

This is what’s in the box. It’s basically a safer way to cut eraser sticks and a set of cute sticks. After the initial disappoint that she was not making erasers, Isabella did have fun. The kit came with two sizes. There were thinner and thicker sticks of erasers. The thin ones go into a guide that helps to hold them into place. They are much easier to cut straight because of the guide. Also, they are physically easier to cut. Isabella had difficulty even pressing it down when the thicker ones were in it. Without the guide and with her pressing 2-3 times to cut through them, the thicker ones were turning out really bad. I ended up having to cut them with a knife by myself.

The erasers were really cute. She ended up with a ton of them! She took out a small amount that she liked and wanted to keep. Then she took them to her older sister, Ivy (17), to see if she wanted any of them. She put the rest into a ziplock bag, took them to school, and gave all of her classmates and friends three each. I was happy that she gave them out because it was a crazy amount of tiny erasers.


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