January Goals 2019 – End of Month Review

January Goals 2019 – End of Month Review

January Goals

  • Finish Paying off Credit Card #9
  • Pay $500 on Credit Card #10
  • Ivy’s Birthday Party and Dinner
  • Healthcare needs for Michael
  • Work on my 2019 Blog Goals
  • Major House Cleaning

Another Successful Month!

We finished paying off credit card #9! This is such an exciting milestone because it means we have one credit card left! We started working on chipping away at credit card #10 by meeting our goal of paying $500 on it. I’m so excited to finally kick credit card debt out of our lives for good!

Our oldest daughter, Ivy, turned 18 this month. Yes, I cried! She planned and threw a great birthday party for her friends with our help. A family friend made her a beautiful cake! She decided on “Childhood” for her theme and it turned out super cute!

We had her family dinner at Bonefish Grill per her request. It was a great dinner and a wonderful celebration. You can read about that here.

Michael had his appointment with his general physician and was referred to an orthopedic specialist. He met with the specialist and they sent him for an MRI. He has an appointment in a couple of days to find out the results. We don’t have any answers yet. He is still having pain when he has to sit for too long. He has been on a medical leave of absence from work. We hope that with a diagnosis he can begin the treatment needed to get back to normal.

I have been working on my blog but not as much as I wanted. I had a rough month. I rang in the new year with a G.I. bug and had strep throat last week. I missed over a week with the strep. It was horrible. I didn’t even turn on my computer for a week. I have read about some new things. I found out how to do things that I have been wondering about for a while. I hope to continue to improve my skills and find that perfect posting groove throughout this year.

We cleaned prior to Ivy’s birthday party but I don’t feel like I did a great deep clean. We cleaned up again after the party. Being sick definitely prevented this from happening too. After a week of being sick, our house was messy again. We cleaned it up again. We are working on decluttering and finishing Konmari. We have been slowly decluttering for a year. It is a huge undertaking.

It was a long month and I’m ready to take on February! What goals did you accomplish in January? Tell me about it below in the comments!

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