30 Days Without Social Media

30 Days Without Social Media

social media detox

I finished my one-month social media fast. It has been an eye-opening experience. In short, I have been more present in my everyday life. I feel calmer. I don’t have that feeling of nagging urgency for no reason. I underestimated the amount of time I was spending on social media, mainly Facebook.

I have spent more time talking to my girls. I have spent more time talking to my parents on the phone. I texted my mother a couple of pictures so she could show off her grandbabies. I took the time to look up articles and topics of my interest instead of spending time reading articles that popped up on my Facebook feed. I made a couple of Valentine’s Day crafts with Isabella (7 years old) and spent a considerable amount of time playing on the floor with the baby.

I found myself reaching for my phone many, many times over the last week. I’m really glad that I deleted the apps off my phone or I may have mindlessly opened Facebook without even thinking it through. Honestly, I never realized how much I do that until there was nothing there to open. It has become very apparent just how addicted to Facebook I had become. However, this has not been difficult. I had all these reasons why it would be so hard to live without social media and so far none of them have been an issue. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

I have begun thinking about starting a home project or reading a new book. I’m so glad I did this!

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