The Suburban Search Continues… Or Does it?

If you haven’t read yesterday’s post yet, please go back and read it first because this will make more sense. We have been on the search for the ideal towing vehicle, a Suburban 2500 with an 8.1L. Yesterday’s post covered our trip to Florida and the fact that we didn’t find the right vehicle. The post was getting so long that I had to cut it off there and continue the saga today. After returning home Monday, we got a little sleep and set back to the search. Michael’s back and legs were bothering him from sitting in my small car for so long.

We found a few Suburbans that met our needs close by. We live near Cincinnati and cars around here have a way of becoming rusted out pretty easily because of salt use. They were close though so we figured what the heck. We called them both. One was really honest and told us it had rust on it. They even offered to send us pictures of any damage. One never returned my call so I assumed they sold it. The last one we looked at for all of two minutes. They had sprayed over the rust to make it look better but it was obviously there.

Remember me mentioning that one in Colorado? Well, they messaged me to say they dropped the price because of lack of interest and since I had messaged them they just wanted to let me know. After looking into the other cars, I mentioned this to Michael. In a half-joking way, he says, “Maybe I should just fly out there and get it.” We both laughed and went on with our business. Later he asked to see the pictures she had sent.

The next few hours turned into a whirlwind that we didn’t finally process until it was all over. Michael was interested after reading that cars don’t rust as bad in Colorado because they don’t use salt. He studied the pictures that she sent. I called the dealership to see if they still had the car. It was there. She sent more pictures, a lot more. We loved it. It felt perfect in every way except that it was so far away.

We started talking numbers. It was way under our budget but it may need some work. This one was cheaper than the one in Florida but did have a lot more miles on it. This option would potentially allow us to save some money. We talked more with the dealership. The next thing I knew, we had booked Michael a one-way ticket to Colorado Springs and negotiated an out the door price with the dealership over the phone.

Michael’s plane left early this morning. The whole thing went off without a hitch. It was like it was all meant to be. He is currently on his way home with our towing vehicle! This was the hardest thing on our list to accomplish and we did it! I couldn’t be more thrilled if I tried. It was like it was supposed to go this way the entire time. It took a series of very unusual things to lead us to this point. I will share pictures after Michael gets back. I’m praying for a safe and noneventful drive for him. We are hoping that everything else will simply start to fall into place but we all know that there is a lot of serious work ahead of us.

Trip Countdown: 326 days to go!

Happy Travels!

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